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Expert Care for Peripheral Nerve Surgery and Pain Treatment

Discover expert care for peripheral nerve surgery, brachial plexus issues, and abnormal pain responses with Dr Michalka's specialised experience and a focus on surgical and multidisciplinary treatments.

Nerve Injuries

Nerve injuries often occur in trauma, and abnormal pain responses and loss of function can be the result. Many of these are best treated non-operatively, with a number of different disciplines involved in the patient’s recovery. In some cases surgery can restore function and remove or significantly reduce pain. Knowing when to operate and when to treat non-operatively is vital.

Patrick has extensive experience in Peripheral Nerve and Brachial Plexus Surgeries, as well as treating abnormal pain responses in a multidisciplinary way. Our clinics in Joondalup, and Claremont offer a range of treatment options to help you recover from nerve injuries and manage pain.

Perth Clinics located in Joondalup and Claremont.